Art & Illustration

That Distant Fire


“Beautifully written, stunningly illustrated and paced, That Distant Fire confronts what our society is today—and what it may become.” —Ho Che Anderson

“A harrowing, intelligent story, gorgeously drawn and begging to be revisited often.” —Noah Van Sciver

 “A beautifully rendered tale of a future that could very well be our tomorrow. Top-notch cartooning.” —Matthew Allison


That Distant Fire is a gorgeous dystopian sci-fi graphic novel from writer J.R. Hughto and illustrator Curt Merlo. Since being originally serialized over the course of a year as a webcomic, It has been nominated for an Ignatz Award for outstanding artist and is currently out of print. In this near-future tale, a young couple is on the cusp of inventing a breakthrough medical advancement —the Device—while navigating a time of violent social unrest. 

5.85" x 8.75" | 166 pages | full colour | Paperback, high quality uncoated paper

Read webcomic version HERE